
 Full Name : Seizza Rahdianny Shafsafia Az-Zahra
 Nick Name : Fia
 Special Call : Fifi
 Birth Date : May 15 2003
 Place of birth : Bandung, Indonesian
 Realigion : Islamic
 Blod Type : A
 Hobbies : Blogging, Playing
 Number Phone:0856 4091 7797

 School : Seizza Smart Kids Homeschooling
 Favourite Foods : Pizza, Cake, Black Forest, Stir-Fry Vegetables
 Favourite Drinks : Chocolat Juice, Milky Chocolate, Yogurt
 Favourite Sports : Jogging
 Favourite Animals : Hamster, Rabbit
 Favourite Place : my Bedroom
 Favourite Colours : Pink, Red, Blue, Orange, White, Yellow, Green
 Favourite Games : Dinner Dash, Hotel Dash, Saloon Dash
 Favourite Study : English
 Friends : Putri, Kamal, Icha, Salsabila
 Favourite teachers : The Best Mummy <^_^>

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